International Credential and CV Fraud Workshop 2025

DATE: May 01-02, 2025
MODE: Microsoft Teams
TIME: 9:00 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
FACILITATORS: Majka Drewitz and Sheree Yates, Educational Credential Evaluators Inc., USA


Please have proof of payment or purchase order on hand before proceeding, as this is required to complete the registration form.
To finalise registration, payment must be received by April 23, 2025.

Workshop Fee: TT $1,000.00

Group Discount: Four or more individuals attending from the same organisation will be entitled to 10% off each person's fee.

Payment Options:
Bank/Wire Transfer
Bank: First Citizens Bank
Account number: 1441149

When making the direct deposit via an online payment, please put the name of the payee as: 'Accreditation Council of Trinidad & Tobago'. The entire word 'Tobago' will not fit, but it will still be accepted. No abbreviations to 'T&T', and no 'The' in front of 'Accreditation'

Should you or your company require an invoice, please send a request via email to

Refund Policy:
If for some reason a registered participant is unable to attend the workshop, ACTT must be informed at least three working days prior to the start of the workshop. A 10% processing fee will be deducted from the refund.


Single or Group Registration
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